March 3, 2025
Climate Change : Science, Sociology & Spirituality

Climate Change : Science, Sociology & Spirituality

Climate Change : Science, Sociology & Spirituality

21st Century World has achieved great heights of advancement in terms of Inter-connectivity, International trade, Urbanization, Information explosion, Improved quality of living and Democratization of Governments etc. On the other side, It is also facing socio-politico-environmental challenges like War situations, hostile neighborhood, polarization and Climate Change. Yet, the most pressing among them seem to be the Climate polycrisis now caused by anthropogenic reasons. As they say, When the house is on fire, all the other internal issues seem to be secondary. Similarly, when the planet is on fire all other Internal, National & International issues tend to take back seat sooner or later.

Scientific Perspectives on Climate Change

Initially, Climate change was perceived as an apparatus to pull money from the developed nations to the developing and underdeveloped nations in the name of climate finance. Based on scientific studies conducted by IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), it was evident that Climate change is a reality and not a hoax. Paris Agreement calls for limiting the global temperature to 1.5°C above pre-industrial-era levels by the end of the century. Despite commitments, the global average temperature in 2100 is expected to rise to around 2.1°C above pre-industrial levels. It projects  that a 1.5°C world would witness greater sea level rise, increased precipitation and increased frequency of droughts and floods, more hotter days and heatwaves, more intense tropical cyclones, increased ocean acidification and salinity. The chain reaction of these effects appears to have repercussions in every aspect of life directly or indirectly. The Green movement and Conference of Parties(COP) are global efforts in that direction.

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Sociological Analysis of Climate Change

Social reality is complex and at times inexplicable. Be it Capitalism or Socialism, the wealth creation necessarily find recourse in exploitation of nature and its resources. The tradeoff between economic development and environmental conservation is the topic of sociological analysis. The concept of Ecofeminism is also propounded by some sociologist who basically question the very nature of exploitative mindset of patriarchy on women and nature alike. Most often sustainability points to future concerns of the developed countries. On the contrary, The developing/under-developed countries with an insecurity of being left behind, head on with relentless efforts to economic development to address the present concerns. Thus the exploitation continues at the peril of nature. Therefore, finding the middle path for Economic development which is in line with social justice and climate justice is the subject matter of socio-environmental analysis.

Spirituality-Climate link

Most often neglected dimension for the climate justice is the spiritual aspect of it. The outside world is merely the manifestation of the internal world. The deep routed material desires to enjoy and exploit nature are the real root causes of climate crisis today. As Gandhi said “Earth can provide for everyone’s need but not one man’s Greed”. These ruthless desires take the shape of materialism and consumerism to further their impact without any check. There is a great need to strike a balance between Need & Greed. Even UN is engaging with faith based organisations to cater to this aspect as a measure of social control. All the major spiritual paths unanimously agree on diminishing on material desires and to enhance selfless desires as a path of purification of human existence. Therefore, Universal principles like Peace, equality, justice and harmony are the guiding force which are common across various ways of life known to human beings.


As the tussle continues between development and environment, a middle path of conscious living seems to be the way forward. This climate crisis arisen out of anthropogenic reasons has to be addressed at all levels Individually and collectively. As the climate clock is ticking, the day is not far to face a similar unprecedented event like COVID. It is better to prevent and prepare rather than repent and repair. For a sustainable future of people and planet there needs to be conscious living paradigm. Thus, The inner ecology of consciousness of the human race shall determine the outer ecology of the Environment.

Written by –Pradeep Kumar, LEED® Green Associate™, IGBC AP

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