March 10, 2025
AI Summit: Elon Musk believes some might prioritize the earth above humanity

Things Elon Musk Didn’t Understand About AI – AI Summit

Things Elon Musk Didn’t Understand About AI – AI Summit

Elon Musk has cautioned once more about the dangers that come with sophisticated artificial intelligence. During the WSJ CEO Council Summit, Elon Musk stated that artificial intelligence (AI) could eventually take over humankind. The millionaire said to Thorold Barker of the Journal, “There’s a small likelihood, but it’s not zero,” that humanity will end.

“Machines will be capable of doing any work a man can do within 20 years.” This progressive remark was made by Simon in 1965. What Simon and the other proponents of AI overlooked are the many unanticipated difficulties that come with depending only on machines.

More than 50 years ago saw the emergence of the field of AI. However, we have only just begun to realize the full potential of artificial intelligence (AI), mostly because of the democratization and explosive expansion of machine learning during the last ten years. These days, there are a plethora of open-source AI tools available to help any entrepreneur quickly get started with AI, such as TensorFlow from Google, the Cognitive Toolkit from Microsoft, and Amazon Machine Learning. These developments have expedited the shift from a model in which AI helps people to one in which humans help AI. Businesses now have amazing chances to grow as a result of this move toward requiring less human capital. However, a lot of proponents of technology are pushing the envelope even farther and calling for the elimination of human interaction.

He said that some people would utilize technology to end human life in order to protect the environment during an appearance on comedian Joe Rogan’s podcast on Tuesday.

He was commenting in advance of the UK Prime Minister’s meeting with him at the ongoing AI safety summit.

Many experts believe that these warnings are exaggerated.

Former deputy prime minister and Meta president of global affairs Nick Clegg, who is also attending the conference, stated that people shouldn’t let “speculative, sometimes somewhat futuristic predictions” overshadow more pressing issues.

According to Mr. Musk, his concerns that the environmental movement had “gone too far” were the basis for his remarks.

“If you begin to believe that people are terrible, the inevitable conclusion is that humans should go extinct.” he stated.

“The extinction of humanity will be AI’s utility function if it is programmed by extinctionists. They won’t even find it offensive.”

Later on Thursday, Mr. Musk is scheduled to address UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on his platform X.

Speaking at the conference are delegates from some of the most powerful nations on earth, including – surprisingly – China, which is becoming a major force in artificial intelligence.

Although China and the West have tense relations in many technological domains, Vice Minister Wu Zhaohui of China stated that the nation was looking for an open AI culture.

“We call for global collaboration to share knowledge and make AI technologies available to the public,” he stated to the attendees.

“Every nation has the equal rights to have research and deploy AI, regardless of their size or strength. Increasing the voice and representation of developing nations is important,” he continued.

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Many individuals concur that AI has potential risks, even though few agree with Mr. Musk’s assessment of the threat it poses.

The co-founder of one of the largest AI companies in the UK, Google Deepmind, Demis Hassabis, warned against adopting the Silicon Valley motto of “move fast and break things” in remarks he gave prior to the summit.

“Artificial intelligence (AI) has been extremely successful in building massive companies and providing us with lots of great services and applications,” said Hassabis.

However, AI is too significant. To make sure that we comprehend [AI systems] and that we know how to use them responsibly and safely, a lot of effort needs to be done.

He noted several possible dangers, such as the possibility that AI may produce false information and deepfakes and that malicious actors will purposefully abuse the technology.

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