March 10, 2025
A Permanent Ice Age

Winter is coming… A Permanent Ice Age !

Winter is coming… A Permanent Ice Age!

Earth has experienced at least five major ice ages. About 2 billion years ago, the first one began and lasted for about 300 million years. The latest one began roughly 2.6 million years ago, and we are technically still in it. How would the permanent ice age change the earth as we know it? what could you do to survive on a frozen planet? what would happen if winter turned into a permanent ice age?

What is an ice age, first of all? A Permanent Ice Age 

Ice sheets and glaciers cover significant portions of the Earth’s surface when the planet experiences freezing temperatures for millions to tens of millions of years. You’ll probably be shocked to hear that the Earth is currently experiencing an ice age. Fortunately, we’re not in the midst of one; rather, we’re in a cyclical interval with warmer temperatures. During the first ice age, the earth probably received 15% less sunlight. more so than it is now. Primitive algae also released oxygen, which replaced methane in the atmosphere. an atmospheric gas with a strong greenhouse effect. Then, for 300 million years, the Earth was frozen. Earth likely seemed in space as a white snowball similar to Saturn’s moon, and 99% of the sunlight is reflected off its surface.

An interglacial period is identified by the average global temperature. And after this, it will get really cold. By examining earlier glacial epochs, scientists are attempting to answer this question. An examination of ice Information about the previous 800,000 years is revealed by samples taken from the permafrost in Greenland and Antarctica. The sediment at the ocean’s bottom enables us to look even beyond, into the past of the Earth, back tens of millions of years. And through research, the astounding mysteries of climate change from hundreds of millions of years ago have been unearthed.

The climate on Earth cycles between ice ages and greenhouse times, when the world is free of glaciers. The glaciers are changing because Earth is now experiencing a Quaternary glaciation. Ice sheets first appeared during the Quaternary glaciation, growing during glacial periods and shrinking during interglacial periods. Only the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets have persisted since the end of the last glacial period; other ice sheets produced during glacial periods, including the Laurentide Ice Sheet, have completely melted.

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While geologists refer to this entire time period up to the present as an “ice age,” in popular culture this term mainly refers to the most recent glacial period. The main effects of the Quaternary glaciation have been changes in sea level, isostatic adjustment of the Earth’s crust, flooding, abnormal winds, continental erosion of land and deposition of material, modification of river systems, creation of millions of lakes, including the development of pluvial lakes far from the ice margins.

Read more about glaciation timeline –

What Would Happen If The Earth Had Another Ice Age? A Permanent Ice Age 

If the permanent ice age happens The borders would change and bring many countries closer together. Though all the wars will be over! but not enmity. Sea levels could drop around 120 meters, lower than they are right now. This could close off the seven seas, from the arctic to the Atlantic Ocean. Some rivers would also change their usual runoffs and form new lakes. With all these changes in sea levels around the world, there might be chances of Russia being covered entirely with ice sheets like the current Greenland. Even in hot tropical countries like India summer temperature would be less than 4 degrees, and the only tropical region livable for animals and humans. 

Also read –

Can humans survive an ice age? A Permanent Ice Age 

Humans evolved as a species during the previous ice age when the environment forced us to adapt to new habits and accessories. We began farming when the earth began to warm again. We probably wouldn’t survive a new ice age as well. At least not straight away. We would lose almost all of our agricultural land. Such high overpopulation inhospitable areas would result in disorder and instability. Prepare yourself for fierce competition for the necessities of existence. Hey, don’t be alarmed; it won’t happen suddenly. 

While some experts warn of impending extreme heat waves, others believe a new Ice Age or a rapid cooling trend that will span millions of years is on the horizon. I feel if we keep pumping greenhouse gases, we might be able to prevent the return of the ice age but not able to prevent the transformation of Earth into Mars! So before we choose to burn greenhouse gases, consider the glaciers melting. 

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